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How do die casting molds affect die casting production?

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-05-29      Origin: Site

1. Introduction

Kaiao-RPRT, a leading brand in casting mold technology, recognizes the challenges posed by the demanding production environment. Casting molds face increasing demands in the relentless pursuit of efficiency, quality, and stability. Operating in high-temperature, high-pressure, and high-speed conditions, there is a pressing need to minimize human intervention and reduce production stoppages due to failures. The ultimate goal for die-casting mold designers and users is to ensure continuous and stable production processes.

Mold in the use process causes its downtime repair mold unreliable problem factors are many, according to the MSE system statistics before the TOP6 classification has the following parts:

1. Failure of moving parts;

2. Damage to wearing parts;

3. Defects in cavity molding parts;

4. Flying material cloak;

5. Cooling system problems;

6. Signal failure

2. die-casting mold reliability design on die-casting production

(1) Failure of moving parts:


1.Wear and tear:

Normal wear is caused by long-term use.

Improper choice of material, poor wear resistance.


Lack of lubrication or lubricant failure.

Foreign objects enter the mold, resulting in poor movement.


Insufficient material strength to withstand working loads.

Poor design with stress concentration points.

4.Thermal fatigue:

With a high-temperature working environment, material properties decline.

Improper heat treatment and insufficient material toughness.

5.Improper fit clearance:

More machining accuracy is needed to result in a fit clearance that is too large or too small.

After a long time of use, the fit clearance changes.

Thermal fatigue

Thermal fatigue


1.Solutions for wear:

Material selection: Select high wear-resistant materials, such as tool steel, cemented carbide, etc.

Surface treatment: Carburizing, nitriding, and other surface hardening treatments to enhance the surface hardness.

Regular inspection: Check the wear condition regularly and replace the parts with severe wear in time.

2.The solution to the jamming:

Cleaning and lubrication: Keep the mold clean, and add high-quality lubricant regularly.

Matching gap check: Check the matching gap regularly to ensure the proper gap between the moving parts.

Temperature control: Control the working temperature of the mold to prevent stalling caused by thermal expansion and contraction.

3.Solutions for breakage:

Optimize design: Optimize the design of the mold to reduce stress concentration and enhance structural strength.

Material upgrading: choose high-strength and high-toughness materials.

Heat treatment process: Adopt appropriate heat treatment processes, such as quenching, tempering, etc., to improve the material's comprehensive performance.

4.Solutions for thermal fatigue:

Temperature control: Reasonable control of the mold's working temperature to avoid excessively high or low-temperature changes.

Material selection: choose materials with high-temperature stability and good heat resistance.

Heat treatment optimization: optimize the heat treatment process to enhance the thermal fatigue performance of the material.

5.Solution for improper fit clearance:

Precision control: Strictly control the dimensional accuracy during processing to ensure appropriate fit gaps.

Regular maintenance: Regularly check the fit gap and adjust or replace parts promptly to ensure fit accuracy.

(2) Damage to wearing parts      


1.Improper material selection:

The hardness of the mold steel used is insufficient, and the wear resistance needs to be better, resulting in easy wear and tear or fracture of the mold parts.

Material heat resistance is poor and can not withstand the temperature-casting process of thermal stress.

2.Poor processing technology:

Improper heat treatment process, resulting in uneven distribution of mold hardness or cracks.

Insufficient processing precision results in mold parts that are not closely matched, resulting in excessive mechanical stress.

3.Mold design defects:

Mold design is unreasonable, and certain parts of the stress concentration result in early fatigue failure.

An improperly designed cooling system can result in localized overheating or uneven cooling of the mold, which can cause thermal fatigue.

4.Improper use and maintenance:

Die casting machine parameters are not set reasonably, such as pressure or injection speed being too fast, increasing mold wear, and impact load.

Maintenance is not timely. After a long period of work, the mold did not carry out the necessary cleaning and lubrication, resulting in increased wear and tear.

5.Production environment factors:

The temperature of the working environment varies greatly, causing thermal shock to the mold.

Corrosive media erode the mold during use.

injure by straining

injure by straining


1.Optimize material selection:

Selection of high hardness, high wear resistance, and high thermal strength of the mold steel, such as H13, SKD61, and so on.

To improve surface hardness and wear resistance, essential parts are treated with surface treatments, such as nitriding, hardening, etc.

2.Improve the processing technology:

Optimize the heat treatment process to ensure mold steel reaches the best hardness and toughness.

Improve the processing precision to ensure a close fit between the various parts of the mold and reduce stress concentration.

3.Reasonable mold design:

Adopt advanced design software for simulation analysis and optimize the mold structure to avoid stress concentration.

Design a reasonable cooling system to ensure uniform temperature distribution of the mold and reduce thermal fatigue.

4.Correct use and maintenance:

The reasonable setting of die-casting machine parameters, avoiding excessive pressure and speed, and reducing mold impact load.

Regular maintenance of the mold, cleaning up the residue on the surface of the mold, and lubrication to extend its life.

5.Improve the production environment:

Control the temperature and humidity of the production environment and reduce the thermal shock of the mold.

Avoid mold contact with corrosive media, and take protective measures when necessary.

(3) Cavity molding parts defects

1. Cavity sticking mold strain


1. Mold surface roughness: The mold cavity surface must be smoother, resulting in castings and adhesion.

2. Uneven mold temperature: The mold temperature is too high or too low, which can easily cause the metal liquid to adhere to the mold surface.

3. Improper use of paint: inappropriate use of mold release agents or lubricants, which can result in difficulties in mold release.

4. Overheating of metal liquid: The pouring temperature is too high, and the metal liquid is easily adhered to the mold.

5. Problems in mold design: The mold's insufficient draw slope makes castings challenging to release.


1. Improve the surface finish of the mold: Polish and coat the mold cavity with suitable surface treatment materials to improve its smoothness.

2. Control the mold temperature: Use the mold thermostat to control the mold temperature to keep it within the appropriate range.

3. Correct use of mold release agent: Select the suitable mold release agent and spray it evenly to avoid an overly thick or overly thin coating.

4. Adjust pouring temperature: Optimize the pouring temperature of the metal liquid to avoid overheating.

5. Optimize mold design: Increase the proper slant of mold pulling and reduce the contact area between the casting and the mold.

Die casting dissection


2. Product misshape defects


1. Poor mold alignment: Mold installation needs to be aligned, resulting in upper and lower mold misalignment.

2. Insufficient clamping force: More clamping force is needed, resulting in mold misalignment in the injection process.

3. Failure of mold guiding: The mold guiding mechanism is worn or damaged, making the mold not accurately aligned.

4. Operator error: The operator fails to install and align the mold correctly.


1. Ensure mold alignment: When installing the mold, ensure that the upper and lower molds are aligned and use precision guide mechanisms.

2. Increase clamping force: Adjust the clamping force according to the casting size and the mold's requirements to ensure that the mold does not move during the injection process.

3. Maintain the guiding mechanism: Regularly check and maintain the mold guiding mechanism and replace the worn or damaged parts as soon as possible.

4. Operation standardization: Train operators to ensure they can install and align the mold correctly.

3. Runner design problems


1. Unreasonable runner design: Unreasonable runner design leads to an unsmooth flow of metal liquid and easy-to-form defects.

2. Insufficient runner cross-sectional area: The runner's cross-sectional area is too small, resulting in high resistance to the flow of liquid metal.

3. Poor location of the gate: The gate's location is not reasonably designed, resulting in the liquid metal not being evenly distributed to the mold cavity.

4. The rough surface of the runner: The runner's surface is rough, increasing the liquid metal's flow resistance and affecting the filling effect.


1. Optimize the runner design: Based on the casting's structure and size, reasonably design the shape and layout of the runner to ensure a smooth flow of liquid metal.

2. Increase the cross-sectional area of the runner: Increase the cross-sectional area of the runner appropriately to reduce the resistance of liquid metal flow.

3. Reasonable arrangement of gate position: According to the characteristics of castings, arrange the gate position reasonably to ensure the uniform distribution of liquid metal.

4. Improve the runner surface: Polishing and surface treatment can improve the surface finish of the runner, reducing the flow resistance.

die casting flying material

flying material

(4) Flying material problem


1. Mold design is unreasonable:Poor design of parting surface, resulting in the inability to close the mold completely.The pouring system has an improper design and an uneven metal liquid flow.

2. Wear or damage of the mold:After long-term use of the mold, the parting surface or cavity parts are worn out.Poor quality of mold material, easily damaged.

3. Inaccurate mold installation and debugging:The mold is not aligned when installing, creating a gap when closing the mold.Insufficient clamping force, resulting in mold separation during injection.

4. Improper setting of injection parameters:The injection speed is too fast, and the impact of the metal liquid is too significant.Injection pressure is too high, resulting in metal liquid overflow.

5. Raw material problems:The metal material used has too many impurities and poor fluidity.Improper control of material temperature, resulting in poor filling.

6. Poor exhaust system:The exhaust holes are not reasonably designed or blocked, resulting in the mold cavity's gas not being discharged smoothly.

flying material


1. Optimize the mold design:Improve the design of the parting surface to ensure that the mold is completely closed when it is closed.Optimize the design of the pouring system to make the metal liquid flow evenly.

2. Regular maintenance and repair of the mold:Regularly check the mold parting surfaces and cavities, and repair the worn parts in time.Choose high-quality mold materials to prolong the mold's service life.

3. Ensure accurate mold installation and debugging:When installing the mold, make sure the mold is aligned and accurately debugged.Adjust the clamping force to ensure the mold does not separate during injection.

4. Optimize injection parameters:Adjust the injection speed and pressure according to the specific situation and avoid excessive injection speed and pressure.Experiment to determine the optimal injection parameters to ensure the metal liquid is well-filled.

5. Control raw material quality:Select high-purity metal materials to reduce the influence of impurities.Strictly control the material temperature to ensure it is within a reasonable range.

6. Improve the exhaust system:Design an effective exhaust system to ensure that the gas in the mold cavity is discharged smoothly.Regularly clean the exhaust holes to prevent clogging.

(5) Cooling system problems


1. Irrational design of the cooling system:Improperly designed cooling water piping leads to uneven cooling.The cooling water flow rate is too fast or too slow, affecting the cooling effect.

2. Cooling water quality problems:The cooling water contains impurities, resulting in blockage of the cooling system.Cooling water contains corrosive substances, causing damage to the cooling system.

3. Cooler clogging:Impurities or dirt have accumulated inside the cooler, resulting in poor cooling water flow.Corrosion or damage to the cooler results in a reduced cooling effect.

4. Insufficient cooling system heat dissipation:The cooling system has an inadequate design and cannot dissipate heat effectively.Poor contact between the cooling system and the environment affects the cooling effect.

die casting cold debris

cold debris


1. Optimize the cooling system design:Redesign the cooling water piping to ensure that the cooling water flows evenly to all parts of the mold.Adjust the cooling water flow rate to make it suitable for the cooling demand of the mold.

2. Improve cooling water quality:Use filters or water purification equipment to improve the purity of cooling water.Clean the cooling water system regularly to prevent impurities from accumulating.

3. Clean the cooler regularly:Clean the inside of the cooler regularly to remove accumulated impurities and dirt.Regularly check the condition of the cooler and replace damaged parts promptly.

4. Increase cooling system heat dissipation capacity:Install more powerful cooling equipment to increase the cooling system's heat dissipation capacity.Ensure good contact between the cooling system and the environment to increase the heat dissipation effect.

(6) Signal failure


1. Sensor failure:The sensor is damaged or aged and cannot usually detect the signal.Poor contact or broken circuit in the sensor connection line, resulting in abnormal signal transmission.


3. Control system failure:Control system software or hardware failure can not correctly analyze or process the sensor signal.Communication failure between the control system and the sensor results in signal transmission or analysis.

4. Power supply problems:An unstable control system or sensor power supply results in abnormal signals.Poor contact of power supply line or damage of power supply equipment, resulting in insufficient power supply or power failure.

5. Environmental interference:External electromagnetic interference or vibration interference affects the sensor signal's stability.Changes in humidity, temperature, and other environmental factors, resulting in sensor performance, are affected.


1. Check and replace the sensor:Regularly check the sensor's status and replace it in time if it is damaged or aging.Check the sensor connection line to ensure a solid connection and no broken circuit.

2. Maintain and update the control system:Regularly maintain the control system hardware and software to ensure its stable operation.Upgrade the control system software to fix known faults or bugs if necessary.

3. Ensure stable power supply:Check the power lines to the control system and sensors to ensure good connections.Install a voltage regulator or UPS device to ensure a stable power supply if necessary.

4. Reduce environmental disturbances:Install the sensors and control system in a dry, well-ventilated environment to minimize the effects of humidity and temperature changes on them.If necessary, install electromagnetic shielding devices to reduce the impact of external electromagnetic interference on the sensor signal.

3. Conclusion

In summary, reliable die-casting mold design is not emphasized, especially for businesses involved in die-casting production. At Kaiao-RPRT, we are aware that any mold design defects immediately impact production stability. Therefore, establishing a thorough record system identifies and resolves any possible problems. We support deploying a robust, dependable design framework with extensive proofreading and auditing procedures to develop and maintain strict standards. It is imperative to continuously improve these processes to lessen the influence of die-casting mold failures on stability.



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